Shoulder Mobility Exercise

The shoulder joint is one of the most complex and mobile joints in the body, allowing us to perform various movements, including reaching, lifting, and throwing. However, due to its complexity, the shoulder is also prone to injuries and mobility issues. Shoulder mobility exercises are an effective way to improve the range of motion and function of the shoulder joint. In this blog post, we will discuss some effective shoulder mobility exercises that physiotherapists in Ottawa often prescribe to their patients.

What Causes Shoulder Mobility Issues? Shoulder mobility issues can occur due to a variety of factors, including:

  • Injuries, such as rotator cuff tears, labral tears, and dislocations
  • Poor posture and alignment
  • Aging and degeneration
  • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
  • Overuse and repetitive strain

Physiotherapy exercises can help address these issues by targeting the specific muscles, tendons, and ligaments involved in shoulder movement.

Shoulder Mobility Exercises:

  1. Shoulder Circles: This exercise involves standing or sitting with your arms by your sides and slowly circling your shoulders forward and backward. This helps improve mobility in all directions and can be performed with or without weights.
  2. Wall Slides: Stand with your back against a wall and your arms bent at 90-degree angles, palms facing forward. Slowly slide your arms up the wall as far as you can while keeping your elbows and wrists in contact with the wall. This exercise targets the muscles that control shoulder blade movement and helps improve mobility in the upper back and shoulders.
  3. Shoulder Extensions: Stand with your arms at your sides, palms facing backward. Slowly lift your arms backward as far as you can, squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do so. This exercise targets the muscles in the back of the shoulder and helps improve mobility in shoulder extension.
  4. Shoulder Internal Rotation: Lie on your side with your affected shoulder on top, elbow bent at a 90-degree angle, and forearm resting on your abdomen. Slowly rotate your arm inward, keeping your elbow against your side. This exercise targets the muscles responsible for internal rotation and helps improve mobility in this direction.
  5. Shoulder External Rotation: Lie on your side with your affected shoulder on the bottom, elbow bent at a 90-degree angle, and forearm resting on your abdomen. Slowly rotate your arm outward, keeping your elbow against your side. This exercise targets the muscles responsible for external rotation and helps improve mobility in this direction.

Why Choose Physiotherapy in Ottawa: Physiotherapy is a safe and effective way to address shoulder mobility issues. Physiotherapists in Ottawa are skilled healthcare professionals who can assess your condition and design a customized treatment plan that includes specific exercises to address your individual needs. In addition to exercises, physiotherapy may also include manual therapy, modalities such as heat or ice, and education on proper posture and ergonomics.

Shoulder mobility issues can significantly impact your quality of life, limiting your ability to perform everyday activities. However, with the right physiotherapy exercises and guidance from a trained professional in Ottawa, you can improve your shoulder mobility and restore function. Consult a physiotherapist today to learn more about how you can incorporate shoulder mobility exercises into your treatment plan and achieve optimal shoulder health.






Masks on. Pain off. with a little help from a trusty foam roller.

If sore muscles are discouraging you from keeping up If you have a regular exercise routine, try foam rolling after an intense session. Foam rolling helps release tension in the muscles. It relieves muscle soreness and improves flexibility along with your range of motion.

In the realm of physiotherapy, foam roller stretch exercises have gained significant popularity due to their ability to alleviate muscle tension, enhance flexibility, and promote overall well-being. If you’re seeking effective techniques to complement your physiotherapy routine in Ottawa, incorporating foam roller stretches can provide immense benefits. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of foam roller stretch exercises and their role in physiotherapy treatments in Ottawa.

What are Foam Roller Stretch Exercises? Foam roller stretch exercises involve using a cylindrical foam roller to target and release tight muscles, knots, and trigger points. By applying gentle pressure to various areas of the body, these exercises help lengthen and stretch muscles, improve blood circulation, and enhance tissue mobility. The foam roller acts as a self-massage tool, allowing individuals to target specific muscle groups and areas of discomfort.

Benefits of Foam Roller Stretch Exercises in Physiotherapy:

  1. Muscle Relaxation and Tension Relief: Foam roller stretches are highly effective in reducing muscle tension and promoting relaxation. By applying pressure to tight muscles, knots, and trigger points, the exercises help release adhesions and increase blood flow to the area, ultimately relieving muscular discomfort and promoting a sense of relaxation.
  2. Enhanced Flexibility and Range of Motion: Regular foam roller stretches contribute to improved flexibility and range of motion. By targeting specific muscle groups and applying controlled pressure, these exercises help lengthen and release tight muscles, allowing for increased mobility and improved joint function.
  3. Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation: Foam roller stretches play a crucial role in injury prevention and rehabilitation. They can be used as part of a comprehensive physiotherapy program to aid in recovery from injuries, such as muscle strains or sprains. By improving muscular flexibility and reducing imbalances, foam roller stretches help prevent future injuries and promote efficient healing.
  4. Post-Exercise Recovery: Engaging in intense physical activities can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue. Foam roller stretches are an excellent post-exercise recovery technique as they assist in reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, and speeding up the recovery process. Including these exercises in your post-workout routine can help alleviate muscle soreness and promote faster recovery.
  5. Improved Body Awareness and Posture: Foam roller stretches require individuals to focus on their body’s sensations and areas of tension. By regularly practicing these exercises, you can develop a heightened sense of body awareness, allowing you to identify and address postural imbalances. This awareness can contribute to improved posture, reduced pain, and enhanced overall well-being.

Why Choose PhysioExperts Physiotherapy in Ottawa: To maximize the benefits of foam roller stretch exercises and ensure proper technique and guidance, seeking physiotherapy in Ottawa is highly recommended. Physiotherapists in Ottawa are trained professionals who specialize in assessing and treating musculoskeletal conditions. They can provide personalized guidance, tailor exercises to your specific needs, and monitor your progress to ensure optimal results and safety.

Foam roller stretch exercises offer a myriad of advantages when incorporated into a physiotherapy routine in Ottawa. From muscle relaxation and enhanced flexibility to injury prevention and improved body awareness, these exercises can significantly contribute to your overall well-being. If you’re seeking expert guidance and personalized treatment, consult a physiotherapist in Ottawa who can integrate foam roller stretches into your physiotherapy program. Unlock the potential of foam roller exercises and experience the profound benefits they can bring to your body and mind.


Best Pediatric physiotherapy treatment in ottawa

“WHAT” “WHYs” & “HOWs” about Pediatric Physiotherapy

It is an extremely undermined topic when it comes to physiotherapy for children, and it has proven to be an equally essential crucial form of therapy for babies, children, and adolescents. 

As important as Physiotherapy is for elderly people and is considered a necessity, in the same way, at a growing age of a child, rehabilitation and therapy for the development of the brain, bones, and muscles are crucial.

In this blog, we will give insights on Pediatric physiotherapy and answer the most common questions asked about this therapy.  

What is Pediatric Physiotherapy?

Pediatric physical therapy focuses on children from age 0 to 18 to promote physical and motor growth aiming to achieve optimal development. Our pediatric specialists work with the children to develop a child’s:

  •       Motor function.
  •       Posture.
  •       Enhancing the growth of the bones.
  •       Strength of the muscles.
  •       Flexibility.
  •       Balance.
  •       Coordination.
  •       Sensory understanding. 

These treatments include manual therapy, education, functional playing, understanding the development of the child, and preparing personalized treatment plans for your child that include pediatric physiotherapy exercises. Motivating the growth of the child’s development is crucial for the long run.

Why do children need Pediatric physiotherapy? 

As a child begins its growth and development, the right direction and motivation of each growth are necessary for independence and achievement of self-esteem. Pediatric physiotherapy exercises are capable of providing a safer form of development, strengthening, and developing necessary preventive measures of physical damage, just like sports pre-rehabilitation. 

This majorly addresses muscular weakness, imbalance, and coordination. An individual plan is developed for every child as every child is built differently however, the common programs include activities for balance and coordination, safety and prevention programs, and Motor development activities that include therapeutic playing. 

How does Pediatric Physiotherapy work? 

Children with special needs or normal development problems need Paediatric Physiotherapy. At PhysioExperts, we have a special approach towards children with any needs. For instance, the most common worrisome topic that remains for parents is speech development. Children stuttering in childhood is very common as they have heard you talking, and they register some words in their head. However, there is a complex dance happening in their head as they know the word, they might know the meaning of a few words they have heard, however, they are struggling with how to use it and where to use it. We do not know what is happening in their head nor do they know but they are confused, and they want to speak but they are yet in the Speech development stage and learning how to speak. 

For this reason, Pediatric Physiotherapists at PhysioExperts, focus on each child’s development by understanding their motor development skills by following a plan of pediatric physiotherapy exercises. This engages the child in activities that interest them in development and growth. This eventually helps to prevent a child’s sensory reaction. If this reaction is not assisted, a child can develop a temper and can throw tantrums, and have mental breakdowns

We aim to engage the child and the parent in this process to develop a bond with them and also get the parents used to understand their child’s motor needs. 

Benefits of Pediatric Physiotherapy: 

  •       Stronger joints
  •       Range of motion
  •       Developing muscular strength
  •       Speech development
  •       Working on the reflexes
  •       Creating the right posture
  •       Developing equilibrium skills
  •       Gait training
  •       Building self-esteem
  •       Develop an independent mindset

At PhysioExperts we offer much more than just general physiotherapy treatments to help you restore your mobility and help you make sure to not put yourself in any harm’s way. 

Book an appointment to get a physical assessment done for your condition and get personalized treatment.

For appointments, Call Us: 613-672-6000 or drop us an email:

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Stiff Upper Back

How a Stiff Upper Back Can Spiral into More Issues and What to Do About It?

Is the work-from-home situation turning you into a couch potato due to lack of physical activity? This could be one reason behind the sturdiness of your thoracic spine leading to an unrecognized disrupted posture. 

The neck and the lower back are usually more prone to injuries and common pain as compared to the upper back which over time can turn into something serious. As unusual as the pain to the upper back is, it is also not easy to distinguish the upper back pain from the neck strains. This is why, by the time you realize the pain, it’s a red flag. 

The upper back is the region that lies below the cervical spine (neck) and above the lumbar spine (low back). The upper back is called the thoracic spine, and it is the most stable part of the spine. The range of motions in the upper back is limited because of the thoracic spine’s attachment to the ribs (rib cage). 

Some of the Upper Back Pain Symptoms are: 

The pain in the upper back region does not solely remain in one spot. There occurs: 

If your upper back pain is related to the bones, nerves, or discs of your thoracic spine, your symptoms may also include:

  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain down the legs
  • Incontinence (bowel and/or bladder leakage) 
  • Numbness or weakness in your legs

Burning Sensation in the Upper Back Region: 

When the upper back pain becomes serious enough to limit your movement, there is a sharp pain and burning sensation localized to one spot along with pain in the neck, shoulder and elsewhere. This is due to the below mentioned two reasons. 

  1. Muscular irritation.

The shoulder girdle is the area where more than 1 bones attach. It is here that a large muscle attaches on our shoulder blade and the back of the rib cage. These large upper back muscles are prone to developing strains or tightness that can be painful and difficult to alleviate. Muscular irritation in the upper back is typically due to either de-conditioning (lack of strength) or overuse injuries (such as repetitive motions).

  1. Joint dysfunction. 

It is either from a sudden injury or a natural degeneration due to ageing, joints in the upper back can dysfunction and cause pain. 

However, you could yourself examine the stage of your pain. There are 3 stages to the pain: 

  1. Stage One: 

It is the pain in the centre of your back though aiming in the upper middle part. There is mild pain and on stretching a little you feel relaxed. 

  1. Stage Two: 

Now, the pain has elevated and you will feel it when you move quickly or even sneeze. If you are not sure if the pain associated with it is regarding the same issue, you can test so by taking a deep breath. 

  1. Stage Three: 

By this point, you are going to feel the pain so intense just as if it were a burning sensation by doing the simplest of the tasks or even by doing nothing! 

Exercises to Relieve Upper Back Pain:

To relieve upper back pain, try these simple home remedies: 

  • Gentle stretches
  • Ice to reduce pain and swelling
  • Heat to improve mobility and ease stiffness 

Exercises to improve posture and pain:

  • Imagery. 

Imagine there’s a cord passing through your body from ceiling to floor. Now imagine someone pulling that cord upward, slightly lifting your chest and ribcage.

  • Chin tuck.

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Your shoulders should be relaxed and down. Now pull your chin in toward your neck. Count to five, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

  • Shoulder blade squeeze.

Put your hands on your thighs and keep your shoulders down, roughly at chin level. Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together. Count to five, then relax. Repeat three or four times.

  • Upper back stretch.

Raise your right arm to shoulder level, directly in front of you. Bend your arm at the elbow and grasp that elbow with your left hand. Now gently pull it across your chest and hold for it 20 seconds. Repeat three times on each side. 

How Serious is an Upper Back Pain? 

Most cases of the upper back are not due to a serious underlying cause, but in some cases, it may be caused by an infection or from the compression of the spinal nerves further leading to spinal instability. With serious upper back pain, comes serious underlying symptoms. These may include, radiating pain or pins-and-needles tingling in the chest or abdomen, fever or chills, reduced coordination, problems walking, or severe headache. 

This brings us to conclude that DO NOT unsee or neglect any pain in the back as with time, the condition may get serious which might as well not be related to muscles or bones. 

Get an analysis as to what is causing you back pain and get a permanent solution to it at PysioExperts, Kanata. 

For any questions regarding Upper Back Pain, Call Us at 613-672-6000 or drop us an email: Book an appointment today with one of our experts and get the solution to all of your problems!  Follow Us Facebook | Twitter |Instagram