Best Pediatric physiotherapy treatment in ottawa

“WHAT” “WHYs” & “HOWs” about Pediatric Physiotherapy

It is an extremely undermined topic when it comes to physiotherapy for children, and it has proven to be an equally essential crucial form of therapy for babies, children, and adolescents. 

As important as Physiotherapy is for elderly people and is considered a necessity, in the same way, at a growing age of a child, rehabilitation and therapy for the development of the brain, bones, and muscles are crucial.

In this blog, we will give insights on Pediatric physiotherapy and answer the most common questions asked about this therapy.  

What is Pediatric Physiotherapy?

Pediatric physical therapy focuses on children from age 0 to 18 to promote physical and motor growth aiming to achieve optimal development. Our pediatric specialists work with the children to develop a child’s:

  •       Motor function.
  •       Posture.
  •       Enhancing the growth of the bones.
  •       Strength of the muscles.
  •       Flexibility.
  •       Balance.
  •       Coordination.
  •       Sensory understanding. 

These treatments include manual therapy, education, functional playing, understanding the development of the child, and preparing personalized treatment plans for your child that include pediatric physiotherapy exercises. Motivating the growth of the child’s development is crucial for the long run.

Why do children need Pediatric physiotherapy? 

As a child begins its growth and development, the right direction and motivation of each growth are necessary for independence and achievement of self-esteem. Pediatric physiotherapy exercises are capable of providing a safer form of development, strengthening, and developing necessary preventive measures of physical damage, just like sports pre-rehabilitation. 

This majorly addresses muscular weakness, imbalance, and coordination. An individual plan is developed for every child as every child is built differently however, the common programs include activities for balance and coordination, safety and prevention programs, and Motor development activities that include therapeutic playing. 

How does Pediatric Physiotherapy work? 

Children with special needs or normal development problems need Paediatric Physiotherapy. At PhysioExperts, we have a special approach towards children with any needs. For instance, the most common worrisome topic that remains for parents is speech development. Children stuttering in childhood is very common as they have heard you talking, and they register some words in their head. However, there is a complex dance happening in their head as they know the word, they might know the meaning of a few words they have heard, however, they are struggling with how to use it and where to use it. We do not know what is happening in their head nor do they know but they are confused, and they want to speak but they are yet in the Speech development stage and learning how to speak. 

For this reason, Pediatric Physiotherapists at PhysioExperts, focus on each child’s development by understanding their motor development skills by following a plan of pediatric physiotherapy exercises. This engages the child in activities that interest them in development and growth. This eventually helps to prevent a child’s sensory reaction. If this reaction is not assisted, a child can develop a temper and can throw tantrums, and have mental breakdowns

We aim to engage the child and the parent in this process to develop a bond with them and also get the parents used to understand their child’s motor needs. 

Benefits of Pediatric Physiotherapy: 

  •       Stronger joints
  •       Range of motion
  •       Developing muscular strength
  •       Speech development
  •       Working on the reflexes
  •       Creating the right posture
  •       Developing equilibrium skills
  •       Gait training
  •       Building self-esteem
  •       Develop an independent mindset

At PhysioExperts we offer much more than just general physiotherapy treatments to help you restore your mobility and help you make sure to not put yourself in any harm’s way. 

Book an appointment to get a physical assessment done for your condition and get personalized treatment.

For appointments, Call Us: 613-672-6000 or drop us an email:

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Steps to choose an expert physiotherapist? 5 Things to keep in consideration.

Physiotherapy is a treatment that helps you restore mobility when lost due to accidents, sports, or minimal day-to-day work injury. A trained physiotherapist has a humongous demand in the field of healthcare, as this treatment is often recommended by physicians after surgeries that involve cutting through the muscles, critical health issues like, loss of balance or consciousness, stroke, heart attack, and others. However, you would want the best for yourself and your loved one, wouldn’t you? But how would you know?

Here is one secret when you book a physiotherapist.

An expert in physiotherapy will ensure that you regain the lost mobility and that the pain due to the injury is gone, but the best physiotherapist would also want to make sure the measures necessary from the injury coming back are taken care of as well – A motto that we follow at PhysioExperts

Things to consider when you book a physiotherapist:

1.     Registration and Qualifications

It is extremely important to make sure the physiotherapist you are booking is a Registered physiotherapist of the province. This marks the reliability of the expert treating you as a certified physiotherapist in acupuncture, massage therapy, sports injury, and pelvic floor rehab.

Qualifications of physiotherapy are the diplomas, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees obtained from a recognized university or college.

These qualifications ensure that the physiotherapist is aware of the clinical diagnosis and the therapeutic methods and techniques of treatments for a particular injury.  

2.     Expertise

Physiotherapy covers a wide range of expertise for which you must know which is the best for you before you book a physiotherapist. For instance, if you have back pain you want to see a physiotherapist that specializes in musculoskeletal conditions. If you have a balance problem, you want to book a physiotherapist that has expertise in Vestibular therapy. If you are recovering from a heart condition like heart bypass surgery, you want to make sure you see the best physiotherapist who has expertise in cardiovascular physiotherapy. Always call at the clinic with a gist of your condition before booking an appointment to make sure you get what you deserve i.e., at Physioexperts, we treat you only if the conditions lie under our expertise. We believe in complete transparency with our patients. 

3.     Methods of treatment

Physiotherapy is best known for its non-invasive/non-surgical practice of medicine that includes massage, movement, and exercise. However, these days the medicine of physiotherapy is reaching the sky. There are other technologies that are used by the best physiotherapists that include reflexology, acupuncture, taping, cardiorespiratory, shockwave therapy, and many more. The use of these techniques depends on the health condition of the individual. Your initial assessment will determine the plan of your treatment and the methods that will be used. Sometimes, a combination of these technologies has proven immense results but only if used the right way. Do not worry, the experts would know! 

4.     Interpersonal skills

Whenever you visit a clinic for the first time, you want to feel comfortable with the physiotherapist treating you and this is achieved when the physiotherapist talks to you about your condition in detail, what is the plan of the treatment, explaining their steps of treatment. This will help you understand your condition better and also help you assess ways of taking care of yourself. When an expert physiotherapist informs you of your condition and the plan for your treatment, you can judge how qualified the physiotherapist is and how confident they are for what they do. Besides, it also showcases the transparency they want to maintain. 

5.     Availability

One of the most important factors that come into play is the availability of the best physiotherapist. Whilst being in pain, the last thing you want is to be put on a waiting list. It is extremely necessary to get the treatment in earnest before things get worse by inquiring about their flexible hours and earliest booking policy if any. This comes in handy when there is a relapse and urgent attention by the best physiotherapist is needed. 

Before finalizing any physiotherapist, make sure to go through some google reviews and search. Check out their website and testimonials. It is necessary to be comfortable with your physiotherapist and understand the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment that suits best for your condition. 

At PhysioExperts we offer much more than just general physiotherapy treatments to help you restore your mobility and help you make sure to not put yourself in any harm’s way. 

Book an appointment to get a physical assessment done for your condition and get personalized treatment.

For appointments, Call Us: 613-672-6000 or drop us an email:

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Shockwave Therapy benefits

Shockwave Therapy: Common Conditions It Cures and Its Benefits

Persistent pain like chronic joint or muscle pain restricts you from carrying your day smoothly and often makes you feel lethargic and lousy. Chronic pain requires multiple sessions that can take up to more than 7 weeks to resolve. Not quite intriguing, is it? 

However, what might be compelling to you is the new highly popular SHOCKWAVE THERAPY that we acquire here at PhysioExperts in Kanata! 


Shockwave therapy is the most progressive non-surgical technology that helps to heal chronic inflammation, stimulates collagen (which connects and supports tissue), and also breaks up excessive calcium deposits. This therapy has proved to be a great leap of success in multiple disciplines like orthopaedics, physiotherapy, sports medicine, etc. 


Shockwave is an acoustic wave that carries the energy of low to high intensity promoting energy to the painful spot on your body. This energy endorses the healing process of the smallest tissue as well as the repairing process of the bones. 

The therapy is initiated in 3 simple steps

  1. Location of the area to be treated

This is done so by using palpation to precisely detect the location of the pain. 

  1. Gel application 

Applying gel helps to transfer the waves efficiently and smoothly.

  1. Therapy initiation

Finally, with utter care, the therapeutic motions of the shockwave machine begin under the supervision of an expert. 


There are umpteen benefits of this painless treatment of which some are: 

  • Helps to stimulate blood flow necessary for the regeneration of new healthy cells and tissues
  • Accelerates the repairing and healing process of the scar tissues
  • Controls muscle spasms 
  • Helps consolidate ligament tear and tendon ruptures 
  • Heals chronic inflammation 
  • Breaks excessive calcium deposits 
  • Restoring mobility 
  • Relive pain and relax muscles


Some common conditions for which shockwave therapy used are:

  • Frozen shoulder
  • Shoulder tendonitis and calcifications
  • Achilles Tendon Pain
  • Neck and Back strains
  • Shin splints
  • Muscle trigger points
  • Chronic knee tendinitis
  • Shoulder rotator cuff pain
  • Hamstring tendinitis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shin splints
  • Hamstring tears
  • Chronic neck pain
  • Chronic back pain
  • Muscle tightness
  • Stress fracture
  • Tennis elbow
  • Jumper’s knee
  • Scar tissue

The effectiveness of shockwave therapy is excellent, typically with a success rate of 90% when combined with exercise therapy. Many times, relief is achieved after just 2 or 3 sessions, with an overall success rate of: 

  • 91% for calcific tendinitis of the shoulder and Achilles tendinopathies
  • 90% for plantar fasciitis
  • 77% for tennis elbow


Shockwave therapy shows minimal to no side effects but, you may expect mild bruising, swelling, numbness or tingling sensation in the treated area. However, these are all a result of increased blood flow to the injured spot and the constructive repair of damaged tissues, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones. This is a pathway to optimal recovery that is appealing to athletes especially. 

DID YOU KNOW, a consistent course of shockwave therapy could save you from undergoing surgery? 

To know more about Shockwave Therapy Treatment in Ottawa, book an appointment with us at PhysioExperts in Kanata. 

For any concerns, Call Us: 613-672-6000 or drop us an email:
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Stiff Upper Back

How a Stiff Upper Back Can Spiral into More Issues and What to Do About It?

Is the work-from-home situation turning you into a couch potato due to lack of physical activity? This could be one reason behind the sturdiness of your thoracic spine leading to an unrecognized disrupted posture. 

The neck and the lower back are usually more prone to injuries and common pain as compared to the upper back which over time can turn into something serious. As unusual as the pain to the upper back is, it is also not easy to distinguish the upper back pain from the neck strains. This is why, by the time you realize the pain, it’s a red flag. 

The upper back is the region that lies below the cervical spine (neck) and above the lumbar spine (low back). The upper back is called the thoracic spine, and it is the most stable part of the spine. The range of motions in the upper back is limited because of the thoracic spine’s attachment to the ribs (rib cage). 

Some of the Upper Back Pain Symptoms are: 

The pain in the upper back region does not solely remain in one spot. There occurs: 

If your upper back pain is related to the bones, nerves, or discs of your thoracic spine, your symptoms may also include:

  • Pain in the lower back
  • Pain down the legs
  • Incontinence (bowel and/or bladder leakage) 
  • Numbness or weakness in your legs

Burning Sensation in the Upper Back Region: 

When the upper back pain becomes serious enough to limit your movement, there is a sharp pain and burning sensation localized to one spot along with pain in the neck, shoulder and elsewhere. This is due to the below mentioned two reasons. 

  1. Muscular irritation.

The shoulder girdle is the area where more than 1 bones attach. It is here that a large muscle attaches on our shoulder blade and the back of the rib cage. These large upper back muscles are prone to developing strains or tightness that can be painful and difficult to alleviate. Muscular irritation in the upper back is typically due to either de-conditioning (lack of strength) or overuse injuries (such as repetitive motions).

  1. Joint dysfunction. 

It is either from a sudden injury or a natural degeneration due to ageing, joints in the upper back can dysfunction and cause pain. 

However, you could yourself examine the stage of your pain. There are 3 stages to the pain: 

  1. Stage One: 

It is the pain in the centre of your back though aiming in the upper middle part. There is mild pain and on stretching a little you feel relaxed. 

  1. Stage Two: 

Now, the pain has elevated and you will feel it when you move quickly or even sneeze. If you are not sure if the pain associated with it is regarding the same issue, you can test so by taking a deep breath. 

  1. Stage Three: 

By this point, you are going to feel the pain so intense just as if it were a burning sensation by doing the simplest of the tasks or even by doing nothing! 

Exercises to Relieve Upper Back Pain:

To relieve upper back pain, try these simple home remedies: 

  • Gentle stretches
  • Ice to reduce pain and swelling
  • Heat to improve mobility and ease stiffness 

Exercises to improve posture and pain:

  • Imagery. 

Imagine there’s a cord passing through your body from ceiling to floor. Now imagine someone pulling that cord upward, slightly lifting your chest and ribcage.

  • Chin tuck.

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Your shoulders should be relaxed and down. Now pull your chin in toward your neck. Count to five, then relax. Repeat 10 times.

  • Shoulder blade squeeze.

Put your hands on your thighs and keep your shoulders down, roughly at chin level. Slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together. Count to five, then relax. Repeat three or four times.

  • Upper back stretch.

Raise your right arm to shoulder level, directly in front of you. Bend your arm at the elbow and grasp that elbow with your left hand. Now gently pull it across your chest and hold for it 20 seconds. Repeat three times on each side. 

How Serious is an Upper Back Pain? 

Most cases of the upper back are not due to a serious underlying cause, but in some cases, it may be caused by an infection or from the compression of the spinal nerves further leading to spinal instability. With serious upper back pain, comes serious underlying symptoms. These may include, radiating pain or pins-and-needles tingling in the chest or abdomen, fever or chills, reduced coordination, problems walking, or severe headache. 

This brings us to conclude that DO NOT unsee or neglect any pain in the back as with time, the condition may get serious which might as well not be related to muscles or bones. 

Get an analysis as to what is causing you back pain and get a permanent solution to it at PysioExperts, Kanata. 

For any questions regarding Upper Back Pain, Call Us at 613-672-6000 or drop us an email: Book an appointment today with one of our experts and get the solution to all of your problems!  Follow Us Facebook | Twitter |Instagram

Treatment for Sciatica

Sciatica is a type of lumbar radiculopathy

More than half of Canada’s population came across a work-from-home situation and certainly is still on-going. Sciatica has lately been the most troublesome situation due to the least amount of body movement observed throughout the day. However, that’s not it. Let’s dig in further to find out the Whats, Whys and the Hows. 

What is Sciatica? 

Sciatica refers to the Sciatic nerve that emanates along the lower back which further branches throughout the buttocks and goes down each leg reaching the heel and sole of the foot. The Sciatic nerve is known as the largest nerve in the human body and is formerly developed by the coalition of 5 nerve roots, all from the lower spine. The major role that this sciatic nerve plays is that it connects the spinal cord with the skin and muscles of the thigh, leg and foot. 

What causes Sciatica? 

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve in the lower spine is compressed due to irregularities in the bone of the spinal cord i.e., either, the disc in the spine has ruptured causing abnormal outgrow of the bone usually called a herniated disc or, is caused by an overgrowth of the spinal bone/discs. In rare cases, the nerve is compressed by a tumour or is abruptly damaged due to diseases like diabetes insipidus.  

Risk Factors of Sciatica: 

  • Age. After a certain age, spine problems are common that could lead to misunderstanding the sciatic pain. This is why it becomes essential to get diagnosed by expert physiotherapists near you. 
  • Obesity. Excess body weight increases the weight on your spine that can contribute to the compression of the sciatic nerve. 
  • Prolonged sitting. People with the least amount of activity can easily be victims of sciatic as sitting continuously at one place can disrupt the spine posture causing discs to skew. 
  • Diabetes Insipidus. The condition in which the person suffers from an abnormal ratio of blood to sugar can happen to develop sciatica due to increased risk of nerve damage caused by sugar molecules in the blood. 

When to visit PhysioExperts

  • Usually, the pain that radiates from your lumbar region commonly known as your lower spine, down the foot, following the buttock and the entire leg is the trademark of sciatica. The symptoms of sciatica include: 
  • Elevating pain in the lower back spreading down the leg. 
  • The feeling of numbness or weakness in the lower back, buttock and feet. 
  • Difficulty moving/loss of movement. 
  • The feeling of “pins and needles” on the legs and feet. 
  • A gradual increase in the ticklish or itchy feeling in the legs.
  • Loss of bladder control. 

How does Diagnosis and Treatment for Sciatica work at PhysioExperts? 


At PhysioExperts, Kanata (Ottawa),  the physiotherapist shall first go over your medical history and confirm your symptoms for further treatment. An understanding of your physique is a must for which you shall be asked to walk on your toes and heel to know the intensity of your calf muscles and the weight your spine can carry. 

Further, you may be asked to lie on your back straight and gradually the physiotherapist shall raise your leg till the point the pain is activated. This helps to understand the origin of the pain in the spine, the nerve being affected and helps determine any problem with the discs. Essential tests like Spinal X-rays, MRIs, electromyography, myelogram shall be conducted if the pain is suspected during stretches, muscle flexibility, motions, massage, or touch. 


For sciatic treatment in Kanata, PhysioExperts focus to decrease the pain and increase the mobility. Beginning with ice packs or hot bag treatment (depending on the cause), the first aim will be to release any sort of muscle discomfort. Once the muscles of the patient’s back and legs are at ease, gentle stretches of the lower back and legs will be performed. Eventually, exercises will be directed such that the muscles of the back are improved, and the core of the lower back and legs are strengthened. 

All patients are not the same, depending on your ability to process the pain, a customized program of stretching and aerobic exercises will be implemented so as to reduce the pressure on the nerve and release the pain resulting in pain-free locomotion. 

Get a personalized program that suits the best for you at PhysioExperts in Kanata. 

For appointments, call Us: 613-672-6000 or drop us an email: 
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